Hello KMS Crusader Families,
Our number one job as educators is to make sure our students are safe. One way in which we can go about ensuring that safety is through something called Speak Up Speak Out. Kennedy Middle School, in collaboration with our new School Resource Officer Kevin Laux, will be sharing Speak Up Speak Out information with students on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.
Speak Out Speak Up is a centralized safety tool available 24/7 that allows anyone to report concerns (bullying, individual safety, threats, etc). The SUSO Resource center will respond to that report and find services to help those individuals. We have included more information regarding Speak Up Speak Out in the links below. Also linked below is the presentation that will be shared with all of our KMS students.
Speak Up Speak Out Information Page
The Germantown School District is working closely with the Germantown Police Department to inform our community about Speak Up Speak Out. If you have any questions or would like to discuss Speak Up Speak Out in more detail please let us know.
KMS Resource Officer – Kevin Laux klaux@gsdwi.org
Associate Principal – Brandon Kohl
Principal – Jessica Gieryn
Sincere thanks,
KMS Crusader Staff