Racing to the finish

The countdown is on!

I hope everyone had an opportunity for some quality family time during spring break. The students and staff seem recharged and ready for the final ten weeks of the 2020–21 school year.

A big thank you goes out to all of our families that took part in our Make-A-Wish event. As a school, County Line raised more than $4,000 to help make Natalee’s wish come true. Not only did this event help Natalee and her family, but it also gave our students an opportunity to practice empathy and support someone in our community.  

Many of our students in grades 3, 4, and 5 are participating in the Wisconsin Forward exams this month. Mandated by the state, these exams are also given to students in grades 8 and 10. Although theses exams do give us some useful information, they are only one indicator of what our students know and are able to do. The work our classroom teachers do with our students every day tells us more about them as learners than one exam at the end of the year. I bring this up not to downplay the exams but instead to alleviate any test anxiety students may have. No special bed times or magic brain food are necessary. These exams should be more of a celebration of all the hard work our students have done to this point.

We will stay status quo with our COVID precautions in the building and as a district. Many County Line staff and parents are starting to get vaccinated, but before the end of the year our students won’t be and neither will many of our parents. We are in a routine and the next several weeks will pass quickly.

Looking Forward to May Flowers!

Andy Eisenbach